Having a great day can be a blessing and a curse. You have a wonderful day. You spend it with a love one or someone special, and everything is perfect. You laugh together; you have a wonderful meal and even catch a movie. The evening is just perfect. You want it not to end. Then the day ends and you go to sleep. You dream about how wonderful the day was. Then you wake up, and you feel empty.
You know that everything was amazing yesterday, but the day is gone. You now are faced with an empty day. There is no laughter today. Dinner will be alone and no movie really interests you. The day is so cold compared to what you had yesterday. All day, you think about how great yesterday was and how today is empty. You start to feel meaningless and angry and don't know how to express yourself.
All the emotions and feelings begin to build. You get angry, and sad at the same time. You start to snap at people, and then you just feel bad. It is hard to get out of your funk. You try anything, but nothing is helping. You sit and ponder. How do you salvage the day? When you least expect it something happens to change your day.
And it could be a little thing that changes your day. It could be a phone call, a letter, a text or a hug. When that one thing happens, everything becomes lighter. You become full and enjoy what you have again. Your thoughts are filled with promise. You begin to feel like yourself again. The waiting was the hardest part. Now you will have a better tomorrow.
Keep Rambling .....
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