Thursday, February 5, 2015

One of Those Days....

Have you ever had a day when everything you did go the other way? Today was one of those days for me. No matter how hard I tried I was not able to get it correct. It is disheartening when you try to do the right thing, and all you get is grief. So all you look forward to being the end of the day.

As my day continued to progress, I just kept getting more upset. Each time the phone rang it was another log to the fire. When a friend of mine called to see how I was doing, and I explained what was going on they tried to help. What did I do for this help? I got angrier. I was rude and ungrateful. I was a complete tool. Why would I do this to a friend?

As the day went on I had called an apologized for my actions. I realized that with all the changes I have done and more yet to come my life is quite inconsistent. I need to try each day to make sure that I keep the course. I need to keep remembering that my friends are looking out for what is best for me. They are care about me. I am not alone, and I need to stop it. If I don't, I will be alone.

I enjoy being able to write this blog and get my feelings out. I can say the things that are on my mind and cleanse myself of all the crap from the day. I hope that all my friends know I really do appreciate everything that they do for me. For being there when I am down and celebrate when things are good. You are all very special to me, and I really cherish you. Thank you for being in my life and making it better. Without you in my life, I would not be complete.  

Keep Rambling .....

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