Saturday, November 1, 2014

Reflection ............

So today is the first of November, and I am sitting here thinking about the week. What have done to make myself better? What do I need to work on? How can build on what I have done this pas week? Am I happier today then I was yesterday?

In the past, I would just live each day and not take the time to reflect. I realized that I have to give time to myself to reflect on what I have done. By doing so I am working on being a better me. Funny how little things like reflect on what you have done, makes such a difference. Conversely, learning to give yourself some time to work on yourself. I have made this a habit.

I remember people, and friends tell me that I need to give time to myself. I never understood what the benefit was. I believed in just going through my day. Once the day was done I was done. The next day I would do the same thing. The problem I kept running into was I at no time I addressed any issues that I was having. I never put a plan together to improve myself. I knew that I wanted to be better then I was, but I never took the steps to do anything about it.

Just like in the movie Animal House "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." I realized that I needed to get my shit in order and get with a plan. What is different with me now, I am using the plan and sticking with the plan. I will make changes as needed. Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today.

Keep Rambling ........

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