Thursday, October 30, 2014

Saying I am Sorry ...

Each day I try to do something to make myself better. The past few days I have reached out to some friends whom I have lost contact with, or lost their friendship because I was too wrapped up in myself. I feel that giving some closure to this will help them either close the book on the friendship or start a new chapter.

I have written to this one friend who was a great friend to me. She was always there for me. She would listen to me when I would tell her about all of my issues no matter how big or small. As time went on I took advantage of the relationship and when she needed me, I was not there for her. Until finally we just stopped talking. It was something that I really never understood why until now. So out of the blue I sent her an email to say that I was sorry. I did not expect anything back. But then I got an email.

It was her. She read my email and said that she was thinking of me and tried to reach out to me. She said that she was proud of me, and that she will always be there for me. After I get myself back off of the floor, I made sure that she had my current numbers. And we will make sure that we do not lose contact, and I will be the friend to her that I could not be in the past.

I have also reached out to my current friends. It is important that I make sure the friends that I have now stay friends. She also was very receptive and proud that I am taking these steps to better myself and better my friendship with her. Though I have not known her as long as other friends, it is important to make sure that she knows that I am sorry for not being a good friend. I will be one now.

So I will continue to make myself better. I will continue to apologize to my friends, both current and past. I will make sure that I am there for my friends. They will know that they can count on me.

Keep Rambling......

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One of those days ...

Did you ever have a day where nothing went wrong? You accomplished everything that was on your to-do list. You had no arguments or problems at work. However, you just feel off. You can't place it, but you are off. That was my day today.

The morning started off good. I got to work and made headway on the pile of work on my desk. I returned phone calls and helped some people with their issues. It was going to be a really productive day.

As the day progressed, I started to feel like something was off. At first, I shook it off and thought nothing of it. However, as the day went on the feeling started to become more relevant. I stopped to think what it could be, but I got nothing. I proceed threw the day. Still with the feeling but trying to just keep going.

I go out to dinner with some friends. I am looking forward to it. This will help me shake the feeling that I am having. Well, half of them flake. The people that did show I was not as close with them. So now I am sitting at the bar watching the world series, and the feeling continues to swell. I do what helps calm me. I go for a walk.

I know that when I started this path of the new Andy, I was going to have good days and bad. However, I was not expecting to have a good day but feel like I was missing something. How do I ask for help with something that I just can't describe? What possible solution is there for me? So I decide to write and try to expunge the feeling that I have. Let's see what happens tomorrow. 

Keep Rambling ....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank You !!!!!

When I walk I reflect on the day that I had, or something that really affected me that day. I clear my mind of whatever was bothering me or just nagging at me. I am able to walk the issue away. Today was different. I did not have an issue.

Work was pleasant. I could get a lot of work done today. I was very productive today. There were very few arguments or speed bumps on the way to stop me. I Had two very productive meeting where we could get a lot of decisions made, and action plans laid out.

My boss has given me some bran-new responsibilities to take over. He advised me of several changes that are I needed to be aware of; I am excited about the bran-new challenges that will be coming my way. There is an opportunity to help a lot of people who need it. We will be able to cause a change.

So I was worried, what will I be walking off? What will be the issue that I need to keep me going? I was worried that I would not walk enough. So I just enjoyed the walk. I looked around the neighborhood. I looked at the houses getting decorated for Halloween. I was watching the people doing their power walking. I watched a kid in the street take those last few shots to perfect his free throws.

There was no drama. There was no bitching. It was me enjoying a walk and enjoying the scenery. I was happy that I had a day like today. Nevertheless, I also felt a bit sad. I know of people who would love to have a day like today, but they can't. The boss yelled at them; the kids are sick, and the car won't start. They feel all alone. Well, you are not alone. I will make sure everyone I interact with knows I really appreciate that they spent that time with me. That their time is precious, and I will not waste it. That they are cared for. If we all do that to the people, we talk to everyday, what a different world we would live in.

Keep Rambling..........