Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fixing It

So what can a person do when you just take care of yourself. All my life I have been told you should help others. When I do take care of others, then I ignore myself. When I focus on myself, I ignore others. I am still so black and white. If you are not happy, one should look for the reason why. By doing so you might not like what you find.

Today I realized that I have spent a lot of time on myself. I have worked on talking to others. What I am saying and how it affects the people I am talking to. That skill does not just benefit me, but it benefits others. I don't sound like a complete ass when I talk to someone, and they feel good talking with me.

I have worked on listing. I have realized that I needed to work on this more. I want to understand what that person is saying to me. I want to digest it, and think about it before I just say something. Again, this benefits both. I don't sound like I am blowing off a persons' problem or liking to hear myself talk. The person I am talking to realize that I really care about what they said and put time into my answer to them.

I do believe that working on one self is not a selfish thing to do. It is the right thing to do for oneself, and for the people around you that you care about. Sometimes it might feel like you are doing this for oneself but think about it, if everyone took time to make themselves better what a great place, this would be. 

Keep Rambling .....

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